Event Accessibility Statement

We Make the Future is committed to making our events accessible for people with disabilities. Since most of our work is virtual, we apply Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.1 to our slides, facilitation, and logistics communication virtually and in-person.

Since we include content from other organizations, some research results and case studies do not meet these guidelines. Additionally, the pace of our live events may not work for all attendees, so we share important content with attendees afterward. For those who cannot attend live events, we share our open-source resources at wemakethefuture.us/resources and wemakethefutureaction.us/resources.

For on-site events, we work with partners to design accessible experiences and communicate technical prerequisites before people arrive in-person. For virtual events, we have the following technological prerequisites.

For our public briefings and informational meetings, participants need the following technology.

  • Zoom updated with the most recent slow track version. 

  • High-speed internet connection

  • A computer, tablet, or cell phone with working speakers and microphone

For interactive workshops and meetings, participants need the following technology. 

  • Zoom updated with the most recent slow track version. 

  • High-speed internet connection

  • A computer (not a tablet or cell phone) with working speakers, microphone, keyboard, and mouse

  • Ability to access google slides

We began updating our event content to be more accessible in 2021, we continue to update our content annually, in consultation with our state partners, to support people with disabilities. The most recent update was in 2023. If you have issues, please contact us at info@wemakethefuture.us, and ask for Matthew our Partnerships & Practice Manager.